Matthew’s natural way of teaching is to approach mindfulness from a primary orientation of compassion & kindness, and help practitioners discover confidence (and wonder) in the immediacy of freedom available in this moment. He has a strong interest in intentionally developing relationship to make the unconscious conscious, especially in the service of transforming conditioning we inherit through our social locations (e.g., gender, race, sexual orientation). For the last several years he has lead and learned from multiple affinity-based communities exploring privilege, identity, internalized oppression, and compassionate engagement.
Since 2012, Matthew has taught in spaces ranging from schools and prisons to fast-growing tech-startups. He now enjoys a full life of bringing Buddha-dharma and contemplative practices to people in both broad and deep contexts: He teaches classes and builds ongoing relationships with new & dedicated students as a core teacher at CIMC, and spreads the development of wisdom and wellbeing to wider audiences through his work in content development at Ten Percent Happier.
The monthly Meditation & Teacher Talk program schedule:
7pm - 7:30 Lightly guided meditation
7:35 - 7:45 Announcements and Guest Teacher Introduction
7:45 - 8:30 Dhamma talk and Q&A/Discussion
8:30 - 9:00 Refreshments and Snacks